Attractions around Banská Štiavnica
Explore 17 attractions, restaurants, shops around Banská Štiavnica
4.5 (191)
Pod Kalvariou, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
4.5 (162)
Old Castle Banska Stiavnica
Starozamocka 12, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
The Old Castle - whose origins reach back to the early 13th century - is a review of all existing architectural styles by itself . Originally an Romanesque Chapel of St. Michal built by the community of miners was in the period of Turkish invasion in the 16th century fortified with walls, bastions and towers – and from that time it was used for military purposes. In modern times Old castle was used as a police station, an ice – stock, a town’s archive and library even as a gym! A museum since 1900 offers archaeological exhibition, exhibitions of tobacco pipes manufacture (a famous craft of Banska Stiavnica), blacksmithing, Baroque sculptures, old interior watches, torture devices, gun dartboards, exhibitions “The miners are coming”, “Calvary in exile” and more. The baroques tower offers magnificent view of the city.
4.5 (133)
Open-Air Mining Museum (SMM)
Jozefa Karola Hella 12, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
The Mining Open – Air Museum with 40 000 visitors a year is one of the most popular sites in the region. On the ground the exposition shows old mining buildings, equipment, machines and geological history. Millions years ago here was the biggest volcano in Middle Europe. The most interesting part is the mine. Equipped with helmet, mining coat and lamp, you will go 60 meters deep and during a 1,5 km walk learn about the hard work of miners from Middle Age until the end of the 20th century.
4.0 (103)
The Holy Trinity Square
Nam. Sv. Trojice 3, Banska Stiavnica Slovakia
The main town square was formed at the beginning of the 16th century and today it is the core of the town. The Town Hall and the St. Catherine church, rich burgers palaces on the square sides and the plague column with of the Holy Trinity statuary form one of the city´s architectural highlights.
5.0 (90)
Banka Lasky
Radnicne Namestie 109, Banska Stiavnica 96901 Slovakia
The only LOVE BANK in the world is a unique place where people from around the world store their symbolic keepsakes of love, friendship or another special moment of happiness. LOVE BANK - is inspired by the true love story between Marína and Sládkovič - is created from the verses of the World's longest love poem - consists of 100 000 Security Boxes You can find the only LOVE BANK in the world in the basement of the house that is a part of 500-year-old gold mine. It is the house where Marína Pischlová lived for the most of her life. This house is a building of national and cultural significance as well as being part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
4.5 (90)
Manor House in Svaty Anton
Svaety Anton 291, Svaty Anton, Banska Stiavnica 969 72 Slovakia
The baroque-classicist manor house in Svaty Anton (St. Anton) was built at the route connecting Southern Balkan with Cracow and northern Baltic Sea. Inspired by the symbolic of the calendar, the building has 4 entrances, 7 arcades, 12 chimneys, 52 rooms and 365 windows. A number of famous European architects and artists participated in its building and decorating. The Kohary and Coburg families made an essential contribution to the history of the manor house. Here, they concentrated beautiful pieces of furniture, artwork and crafts from all around the world. Elderly people in the village still remember its last user - Bulgarian Tsar (emperor) Ferdinand Coburg, who lived here in exile until 1944. The manor house is a museum of art, history and hunting.
4.0 (87)
New Castle
Novozamocka 22, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
The New castle overlooking the city used be part of the fortification system and one of the important watchtowers. Nowadays it explains the history of the Turkish invasions in the 16th century and its influence on the life of mining towns. The life – size sculpture of Turks by Dionysos Stanetti and the weapons belong to the most attractive artefacts. By the way, such as tempting target as Stiavnica – the Silver city - was never conquered.
4.5 (75)
Banskostiavnicky Betlehem
Radnichne nam. 11, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
4.5 (45)
Banska Stiavnica Botanical Garden
Akademicka ulica, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
Centuries of mining brought intensive use of wood and surrounding forests came to its limits. This - among aesthetical values - was the reason why the Botanical garden was established in 1838 on the ground of Mining Academy. Would exotic plants adapt and grow fast enough in Middle Europe climate? More than 250 different kinds of domestic and exotic plants make the scenery. Lean on our Giant Sequoia or Lebanese Cedar to refuel energy or just sit on the bench and relax.
4.0 (34)
Old town area of Banska Stiavnica
Old Town area, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
4.5 (33)
Banska Stiavnica Tourist information centre
Nam. sv. Trojice 3, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
Free information about the town and its surroundings, museums and galleries and events. Database of accommodation facilities and transport. Guided tours upon request. Free Wi-Fi zone.
4.5 (21)
Tajch Klinger
Banska Stiavnica 96901 Slovakia
4.0 (17)
Berggericht - Mineralogical Exposition
Nam. sv. Trojice 6, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
Berggericht – the building of former Mining Court – is now seat of The Mineralogical Exposition with more than 400 breath-taking minerals from all continents. In the courtyard of the building is the Michael adit (mining tunnel) open for visitors. After the end of mining, the Michael adit was used as a cellar and store. It is just 50 m long and therefore suitable for kids, elderly and short-term visitors. The Berggericht building also hosts the Tourist Information Centre on the ground floor.
4.5 (16)
The St. Catherine Church
Nam. sv. Trojice 3, Banska Stiavnica 969 01 Slovakia
The late-Gothic St. Catherine church was built in 1443-91. Locals call it The Slovak Church because as early as in 1658 masses were led in Slovak language here. In a under-the-ground crypt city mayors and rich burgers were buried. Original gothic furnishing, a cross from the 15th century, late-Gothic Virgin Mary sculpture a stony baptismal font and an organ from the late 18th century survived ages.
4.5 (12)
Trojan pillar
Namestie svatej Trojice, Banska Stiavnica Slovakia